
The Ignis Quadrant - 3D printable STLs of vehicles, minis, and terrain for your tabletop

Created by Evan Carothers

3D printable STL files for RPG / wargaming - support-free minis, terrain, and vehicles for your Scifi and Cyberpunk game tables.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Files Complete + New Starship KS Launch!
almost 4 years ago – Wed, Jun 17, 2020 at 03:52:28 PM

Aloha, hope you are all well!

File Status = Complete!

First things first, a few days ago I finalized the remaining files for the Ignis Quadrant, including fixing all known/outstanding issues. The spreadsheet and Dropbox are all updated, and those of you waiting to download until everything was done are clear to do so! Please just make a note of the date you download so if there are fixes/tweaks, you know what specific stuff to re-download in the future.

If you are on FB, join the KS Group and share your prints, or tag me on Instagram with cool prints! (ec3d_designs)

"The Terra Conflict" - Live now!

I initially planned on doing space-combat scale minis as part of the Ignis Quadrant, but that idea took on a mind of it's own and I decided to do a full project for it, which just went live! The Terra Conflict is chock full of space-combat scale starships, creatures, stations, and much more suitable for any game that uses space combat (such as Starfinder, A Billion Suns, Traveler, Full Thrust, The Firefly Boardgame, etc). Plus a full art book and Starfinder-compatible ship stat block book, for the Starfinder players among us!

My past projects have been focused on support-free FDM/resin printing, but to do starships right we had to target resin printing (though you FDM folks can still print the majority of it with a bit of cleanup/support). All minis are high detail and pre-supported for resin printing and I have all kinds of fun stuff planned for stretch goals (mining colonies, defense guns, satellites, debris, many creatures, space features, a whole new faction, etc). All in is just $30 and I'm aiming for a crazy price-to-value output on this one, and it's just 21 days long.

Free minis to print/test included in the campaign, of course! Check it out if you're interested, it should be a fun one! :


Also wanted to call out that I have a very limited supply of DungeonMats left for Late Pledge - I've seen some awesome pics of some Ignis Quadrant minis/scenes on these and they look great, so grab a few if you're interested while supplies last (US shipping only).

File Updates, DungeonMats, and a Survey!
almost 4 years ago – Tue, Jun 02, 2020 at 12:39:23 PM

Hi folks! I hope you are happily printing away! Wanted to hit you with a quick update


We continue to wrap up work on the files and progress is going great. We only have a few scatter pieces and a couple minis to finish for the most part, and very few file issues have been reported. I'm seeing some great prints in the FB Group, and hope to have everything finalized in the next few weeks. As usual you can follow file updates in the Rewards Spreadsheet.  If you previously downloaded a file and see an issue, please check the spreadsheet to verify that there is not an updated/fixed version. Once I am confident the files are all done and good to go I'll do another KS update, but this should not prevent you from printing stuff right now!

Small note - 10% of you have not completed the BackerKit survey yet, so check out this update for more info if you have questions about surveys.


I did a Kickstarter a while ago for DungeonMats - 24x36" double-sided Neoprene gaming mats designed for using with (primarily) 3d printed terrain for RPGs (and wargames in some cases). Through COVID-related trial and tribulation I recently finally got backers pledges fulfilled, and have a limited inventory of remaining stock for sale as late pledges. They currently only ship in the US, and are $42 (shipping included), and one of the mats was a scifi one I designed specifically for use with the Ignis Quadrant type models with a red alien planet surface on one side, and a space ship on the other (preview below) and there's some other ones that could suit scific or fantasy campaigns well. You can read some rave reviews in the comments on this update. Check em out if you're interested, I expect these to sell out FAST. I'm planning another run of these in the future with more scifi design options as well. Late pledge store here:


I always try to get feedback from my customers after projects - and it's particularly important to me this time, as I'm planning further scifi projects to go deeper into cool areas that I didn't get to flesh out as much as I wanted in the Ignis Quadrant. If you have 2 minutes to spare, I would love it if you could provide a bit of feedback in the survey - These surveys truly help make future projects better, and your voice can be heard to help make it a project everybody will enjoy! Survey here:


Every kickstarter I forget to include a few models, and this time was no exception. Nothing fancy but I forgot about a few asteroid craters, and I uploaded them to Thingiverse HERE if you wanna download em.

BackerKit + File Access **PLEASE READ**
almost 4 years ago – Tue, May 19, 2020 at 11:39:28 PM

The time has come! I have released BackerKit surveys and files! **PLEASE** take the time to watch the two quick videos below if you have any questions, or are new to my Kickstarters, as they explain how BackerKit and file access works.


You should all be receiving a survey access email, but if not you can also login and access here: . Inside the survey you will see your extra funds from KS pledge, can select or purchase additional add-ons, and access digital downloads & rewards (more on that below). Here's an overview video:

Accessing, Browsing, and Downloading Files

All digital content rewards are served through BackerKit, and provided as a Dropbox link (which I use  to host the files) and a custom password for each access. After  completing your survey you will have access to these in BackerKit. Each add-on and pledge component (minis, terrain, vehicle, bonus) has their own digital reward. For all add-ons, the content is finished and you can download away. 

Many of the minis, vehicles, and scatter items are finished (about 75%). Though I carefully repair each item, inevitably some issues will be found that need repair in a few meshes. I recommend only downloading what you intend to print for now and wait a few weeks (until I give the green light that everything is done) to download the full set. Dropbox allows you to download individual folders as ZIP files from the browsable web interface.

Please watch this overview video if you have any questions  below, and the always-up-to-date rewards spreadsheet is accessible here:

PLEASE ALSO NOTE - The spreadsheet above is the source of truth for all file statuses, changes, etc. Some folders exist in the rewards that are empty and will have a preview (labelled 'work in progress' in the image). That means that specific folder has not yet been delivered.


I have created a FB group to ask questions, share prints, etc. If you are not a FB user, I am sorry but as a 1-man operation I don't have the bandwidth to manage communities on multiple networks and FB works great for the majority of my customers. If you have questions you can always message me on Kickstarter or post on the project comments, or this update.

FB Group:

Quick Update - Something to Brighten Your Monday!
almost 4 years ago – Tue, May 19, 2020 at 06:51:35 PM

Hi folks! Just wanted to send a quick note - Kickstarter came through with funding from the campaign today. I have everything setup and ready in BackerKit, i'm jut waiting for their team to approve the setup (which I'm pretty confident will happen tomorrow at the latest). Then I'll be sending out surveys and delivering the files! I spent most of the weekend organizing and working on files and things are looking pretty great - about 95% of the minis, 90% of the vehicles, and 70% of the scatter are finished. I have the backerkit and file video and recorded and ready to share, as well as the rewards tracking spreadsheet ready to rock too - so hopefully these files will be on your print beds by end of day tomorrow at the latest! 

Stay tuned as I will post another update as soon as we are approved and BackerKit goes live! 

Related EC3D Product News:

The space combat scale minis KS - named "The Terra Conflict" is gearing up to launch in 3-4 weeks, and we are working on a full-length Starfinder companion stat block book (WIP pages below!), and why not show off a few previews for fun? These minis are deigned for any/all space combat games, not just Starfinder.

If you liked the Ignis Quadrant you will be happy to hear that I have the next project in the same 'world' planned for launch hopefully towards mid/late summer - called 'Novus Landing' we'll explore a seedy spaceport in the Ignis Quadrant.  The general feedback I got from the Ignis Quadrant was "this is a great start in a massive world of scifi but we want more aliens, more minis, more interesting scatter". I hear ya loud and clear folks! Let's have more scifi fun, shall we? Expect bounty hunters, space gangs, seedy gambling halls and cantinas, chop shops, slums, corrupt law enforcement and politicians... and much, much more! Oh, did I mention large crewed space craft with detailed interiors? Fasten your starship seat belt folks... here' the first previews to wet your whistle, and I'l be sharing many more over on my Fb page.

Another vehicle, and quick question on Paint
about 4 years ago – Wed, May 06, 2020 at 08:19:08 PM

It was brought to my attention that one of the main vehicles I used for promotional imagery and featured in ads and prominently at the top of the Kickstarter was never included in a stretch goal. DOH! I guess this is what happens when you have 400 models to manage for one project. Well worry not, the ship will be included in the 'vehicle' category for backers, and I'll actually even be detailing the cockpit and making an optional pilot / separate window (fixed window with no interior will also be an option). I give you - one of my favorite models from the campaign - the "Finch" Long Range Shuttle:

I'm working on getting all the fun logistics and BackerKit setup and surveys will go out mid/late next week most likely. In the interim, if you added funds for, or plan on adding the curated paint set from Cuddlefish Colors, can you do me a solid and please drop a comment in here so I can have Ryan start slaving away to pre-package enough sets to ship fast? Cheers!